Wednesday, 4 December 2024

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Had a follow up with my surgeon today.

Great weather yesterday. Great weather forecast for tomorrow. We got a bit of a snowstorm today. My appointment was at eleven this morning. It snowed on the way to the University of Alberta area in Edmonton and on the way back it was snow and freezing rain. I took a cab. My driver on the way in was from Somalia. On the way back I had a different driver from Somalia. They must not mind the nasty weather here, both have been here for years. Both were cautious and drove well.

I had x-rays on both legs. My left femur has metal running almost the full length of the bone. My right femur has metal about half as long. My right tibia has metal. I got to the place half an hour early and they took me in right away. I was able to get on the x-ray table and move around for their various required poses easier than any time  in the past since the accident. After the x-ray session off to see the surgeon after a short wait. Short for the medical profession.

I was told the bone is solid. I will be still healing for a while. Recovery is looking to be eighteen months to two years. He reiterated that I sustained a lot of damage. My progress is where it should be.

Told him I was experiencing some nasty leg pain a few days ago. Waking up that day my legs felt like lead and it was a struggle to get moving. I was informed that there will be periods where I plateau, progress is not linear. Jogging will have to wait.


  1. Terrific progress and good news! You will get there in the end and hopefully be as good as new!

  2. Good news!! Progress is the best thing!

  3. I'm sure you wish progress would be a whole lot faster and a whole lot less painful, but this sounds as though you're right where you should be at this point in your recovery.

  4. Good news! So glad the rads showing solid bones and the movement is easier! I'm sure with each "adventure" out and about there will pain, and improvement.

  5. Fantastic news on the healing. I'm glad the doctor told you plateaus are normal. I hope it relieves a bit of frustration when you are feeling "stuck" in your progress.
