Thursday 8 February 2024

My source says he spotted this at Wayne, Alberta

Sent by Dale Redekopp.

The Immigrant Women

Life was often difficult for the immigrant women.
New to this life and often unable to speak the language,
these courageous people made a home for their families
with little more than inner strength.

They lived in small shacks and baked in wood stoves.
They washed hand-sewn clothing on a scrub board, with water
carried in buckets. They had no electricity, plumbing, or gas heating.

These women raised and educated their children to become
productive citizens in the cultural mosaic of Canada.


  1. A fitting tribute to immigrant women. We should give equal respect to the immigrant women of today.

  2. Often the women didn't learn to speak English either which probably put them at a disadvantage some places in the community.

  3. This is in considerably better shape than when I saw and photographed it in 2023!!
