Wednesday 8 June 2016

Comrey, Alberta Part Two

This is on Township Road 24 just west of Range Road 63. I was convinced this was an old one room schoolhouse. A bit of online research revealed it is not. It is actually a two room house and a very small one. I went inside. I did not bother to take any interior photos as the inside was a mess.

Chris and Connie Doering have a great post on Comrey if you search their website at Their website provided the inspiration to get out and explore. They have some further information on this house and the people who lived in it.


  1. The colors are so vivid to me...but it is still so lonely. I went to bigdoer...and got a peek inside and information. I just wonder how someone can feel content with being so alone for much of their contact. I find this series sad.

  2. Is it on a cement foundation BW?

  3. The winters must have been really lonely. I do like the light fixture on the front, though.
