Monday 31 July 2017

Abandoned church in Arelee, Saskatchewan

Spotted driving through what remains of Arlee on July 1, 2017. The town is flirting with ghost town status. The church is behind an overgrown hedge just past an overgrown side road. The church is the Arelee Mennonite Brethren Church founded in 1908. Apparently it now belongs to a local family. It is a fairly large church. 


  1. I love the front doors! Unique looking church!

  2. That 1st picture looks like a castle...

  3. It always makes me sad to see an unused bldg. I'm sure it saw a lot of activity in it's past. Just imagine how pleased the congregation would have been when it was brand new. The tops look like castle turrets.

  4. Love those pointed gothic windows and arched double door.
