Wednesday 1 May 2024


They just moved my roommate to another room. The nurse told him he was being moved because he had issues with me. He had complained about me. Threatened to do me harm. Yelled at me at odd times telling me to shut up. I got blasted awake three times during the night due to his alarm going off. Of course because he has dementia he remembers none of this and somehow I am the villain in this. I refuse to feel bad about this. I am doing my time quietly and make a point to be nice to everyone until I am paroled.


  1. No need for you to feel bad, that's just how dementia is. Glad you'll be getting back to having a good night's sleep. I hope the next roomie is a quiet, well-behaved sort.

  2. I was moved from a hospital room because the old, demented man woke me up, demanded I move my bus, and flung poo when the nurses tried to change him.

  3. My dad did that BW. He was ordinarily the nicest guy but dementia and the drugs turned him into a monster. Come to think of it... they had a banged up cop in almost the same straights as you in with him and the poor bugger couldn't sleep at all with Dad's antics and babbling and hallucinations. It's entirely possible your ex-roomie was a nice guy once upon a time too.

  4. The peaks & valleys of life... I hope you get a good sleep tonight!

  5. Very glad to hear he's been moved and perhaps you can get some sleep. Hopefully the next roomie won't be a PIA.
