Wednesday 1 May 2024

If you do not experience the low points in life how can you appreciate the high points?

I am still alive. 

It is May first. On May 15 I have a follow up to see if I can put weight on my legs and begin the process to start walking again. One day I will leave this place.

A week ago I got moved from a private room to a shared room that houses two beds. I was told when I arrived here I may get moved. A day later in my new room I got a roommate. Unfortunately he is eighty-eight and has dementia. To keep him from wandering around during the night they have him alarmed. I have been blasted awake a few times at insanely early hours due to him deciding to get up. This has been playing havoc with my sleep. He has some other issues that are not endearing. 

I have been told they are looking for another place here to move him. I hope they find one.


  1. I will be here to read all about it when it happens and celebrate with you.

    1. What Barney said.. And what you started out with, you're alive!

  2. Your roommate is the guy who needs the private room! I hope they find him another spot soon.

  3. Bummer that you got moved to a shared room in the first place. I hope they find another room for the roommate too. Even better - that they move you back to a private room.

  4. You'd wonder at the wisdom of putting someone with dementia, particularly a wanderer, in with you. Certainly doesn't make much sense.
