Thursday 16 May 2024

Still alive

Had some stuff going on. 

Last Friday I received a text from my employer just after seven in the morning. The text was to tell me that they sold the company and they would like to meet me at the hospital later in the day. When they did meet me I was told the company was sold effective May 1, 2024. The new owners were informed of my situation and nothing would change for me. I am not being expected back to work until next year and there will be a job waiting for me. I have been through this sort of thing before. We shall she how well the new owners honour this commitment. Nothing like having your life turned upside down from a car accident spending a long time in the hospital and finding out your employer has changed. There is also nothing I can do about it now anyway. 

This June 1st I go on long term disability and I got to fill out paperwork for my group health insurer. Doctors are never quick signing off on forms and getting them back to you, mainly because they are too busy. The resident social worker here likes me and she leaned on him for me. It pays to be nice and develop relationships with staff. I managed to get it turned around in a week and a half. Interestingly enough the doctors that signs off on your forms is a psychiatrist. I asked why and I was told it is because this is a rehabilitation hospital. I still do not understand that one.

My disability insurer wanted a copy of the police report to go with the completed application and signed doctor’s forms. All was sent. The ball is in their court. I am good if they delay paying me. I set up an emergency fund ages ago. Save your nickels boys and girls. You might need them some day.

On May 15th I had my follow up appointment. I got transported from the Glenrose Hospital to one of the University of Alberta Hospital buildings. I had what seemed like twenty x-rays taken of my left arm and legs in various poses. Then I met with the surgeon who operated on me. The first thing I did was thank him for putting me back together. To summarize, I am healing well, I should make an eventual full recovery, and I am allowed to be weight bearing on my legs. That means I can move to the next phase in my rehabilitation, the process to start walking. The metal in my legs is there to stay.

I was also informed that my stay in rehab has been extended to June 30th. I think they love me so much they do not want me to leave. Or more likely I am not the usual broken leg case and I am going to take longer to heal than the average Joe.


  1. Great news that you can start getting back on your feet! And that the disability thing is moving forward.... All good news, except the employer change. Hopefully they will honor the words.

  2. YAHOOOO things are looking up.
    Since I am ignorant here is a question. Will your bones be more sensitive to breaking in the area of the massive damage after they are healed? I am thinking of small falls like at home not major wrecks like the last one.

  3. An eventful week! So glad you can weight bear on your legs now and commence walking rehab. Also glad you're getting an extra month of rehab to prepare you for going home. Wishing you the best with the employment situation when you're ready to return to work next year.

  4. So sorry about the upheaval with the work situation but there's not a whole lot you can do about it right now. It's good that they are telling you that they will keep a job open for you but as you say, it remains to be seen if they honour that when the actual time comes.
    You are obviously proof of that old adage that you can catch more flies with honey and that it pays to be nice to people. Fingers crossed that your rehab will get you back walking in short order and you can love 'em and leave 'em the end of June.

  5. psychiatrist. I asked why and I was told it is because this is a rehabilitation hospital. I still do not understand that one.

    I know a guy who had to have a visit with one. He is trying to get his back fixed. I Think they are trying to determine whether or not someone is going to be
    Compliant,, be a good patient.. Do as told,, that's my guess.

  6. Good news all around! A "full recovery" being one of the best!! Hang in there!

  7. Is there a way to get your new employer to commit in writing? CYA as they say. Sorry to hear you're never making it through TSA without X-Ray, something to keep the bastards busy. If you have access and don't mind a bit of historic manipulation, The Gentleman of Moscow seems to be a decent watch. All the best and painless recovery to you.

  8. Bummer on the employer change & not getting out until end of June. I hope the new employer is the rare one that keep the commitment. But it's fantastic news you get to move on to weight bearing work for your legs. Hope all goes well with the disability process.
