Sunday 19 May 2024

I was supposed to be in Kalso, British Columbia

For the last two years I had been meeting up with a friend of mine spending a few days in British Columbia over the Victoria Day long weekend doing some exploring and drinking beer. For obvious reasons I will not be doing that this year. Shortly after the accident I cancelled my reservations for New Denver, British Columbia for the Victoria Day weekend which happens to be this weekend.

Knowing I cannot do the trip this year hurts. There are certain activities I truly enjoy doing, like exploring old cemeteries, old mines, and ghost towns to name a few. All of those were on the agenda. No physiotherapy happens here on weekends. Nothing much happens in the hospital on weekends. This will be my third long weekend spent in the hospital.

I made a point to do some leg exercises this weekend and work through the pain. A few people have told me I am brave and stubborn. I will admit to being stubborn. Brave I am not sure about. Some of this is legitimately scary, you question yourself many times. If you want to get better you have no choice other than to plod along, the system drags you forward. Do enough and with a certain amount of luck you find yourself across the finish line.


  1. I understand your disappointment... and as my DIL who's a therapist tells me it is okay to be ticked off over it and to be mad... for a little while... and then as a rational person you realize there is so much outside of your control, and like the rehab you just have to keep moving ahead... even when it is painful... sending prayers that the pain diminishes with every day and next year you'll be celebrating Victoria Day weekend doing everything you want to do!!

  2. Chin up, BW, you're going to beat these injuries and this time next year you'll be back in BC visiting your friends and doing the things you love again! All this will be in the rear view mirror.

  3. I think in order to be brave you also have to be stubborn and you're proof positive of that every single day. Some days will be a whole lot harder than others there's no doubt. Keep your eye on the horizon and keep working towards that goal of next year being able to do the things you love.

  4. Next year's Victoria Day weekend... think about it when you walk out of rehab!

  5. See you in Kaslo (and Sandon, New Denver, Silverton &...) next May. We'll toast with a nice bottle of scotch.
