Thursday 4 April 2024

Ice Fishing on Lake Winnipeg

My wife and I went for an overnight trip to Gimli, Manitoba in mid March 2024. We knew that there was ice fishing on Lake Manitoba but we had no idea how many ice huts there were! There were at least 30 in sight from the shore line.

The ice was clearly still thick enough to bear the weight of vehicles, as we saw a few trucks and vans driving the slippery "road" to and from their huts.

It looked like most if not all huts were on skids and were designed for easy placement and removal.

That evening, I had to have lake pickerel for supper, likely caught not far from the restaurant...
Steve Boyko


  1. Those are pretty nice looking ice fishing shacks! And mmmm, NOTHING is better than fresh pickerel sauteed in butter.

  2. Look up the Gimli glider , great story . Aircraft out of fuel makes miracle landing .

  3. Are the trucks allowed to troll?
