Wednesday 24 April 2024

As the calendar moves with glacial speed . . .

Until my follow up appointment on May 15 I cannot put any weight on my legs until they clear me. I also hope I am cleared to put weight on my legs when the results come in. There is always a chance that might not happen and my stay becomes longer. If my stay is extended then I suck it up until I heal up. Until I can put weight on my legs I am kind of limited with what I can do. From my last operation on my legs until May 15 should be seventy-nine days, just over eleven weeks, or close to three months.

While I am here waiting to heal further as the days pass you find yourself with time to kill. I fill some of the time by reviewing my finances.

Since the hospital is feeding me I am saving money on food and the food here is not bad. I had butter chicken last night. My only car was written off so I am saving money on gas and insurance. I am currently getting disability payments from insurance. I long ago set funds aside as an emergency fund in case something happened. I love living in an age where there is online banking and I can pay my bills online. I have overpaid my monthly bills a month ahead. I have no mortgage which helps.

I have been reviewing my investment fund and been making some changes. I liquidated one underperforming account and reinvested it. Otherwise I have been adding to some of the stocks I own. I only buy Canadian dividend stocks, such as Canadian banks, and when enough dividends pile up I buy more stock. Sometime in the future I may have enough dividends rolling in on a monthly basis to help fund a retirement. 

I might as well put some of the time to good use.


  1. Always good to review finances. I hope you have access to a TV to help pass the time too. Maybe watch the Stanley Cup playoffs?

  2. That's what my Dad did - buy only solid dividend-paying stocks, let the dividends accumulate, then buy another stock. It took a while, but it served him and Mom well in their retirement.
    I hope you get clearance on the 15th. No matter how nice the rehab place is, I bet time passes slowly. Time to take up some type of needlework or some other hobby that occupies hands and mind for a while. I hope Canadian TV has better daytime shows than the US does!

  3. Good idea. If you discover any sure-thing get rich schemes, let me know.

  4. That's one good thing to come out of smart phones - the ability to do things like pay bills. At least you can do that yourself and not have to rely on someone else.
