Saturday 8 June 2024

Recent photos of my left leg



  1. They didn’t try to set the break?

  2. Just pretend those are adamantine bones, like Wolverine.

  3. Thank you for the pictures. I wish I knew enough to understand them.

    1. In the last image, if you look at the break near the top of the image you can see a faint haze filling in the angle between the two "bright" bones.

      That is the reticulated network of bone-cells that typically makes up the inside of bones. When we say "Bone" we visualize the dense, tooth-like outer sheath. That comes later as strain levels direct bone cells to fill in and become very dense sheathing.

      Bottom line, BW is kicking Azz and his body is doing what it is supposed to be doing.

  4. Not being 'medical' I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking at but it sure looks like a ton of metal! You won't be going through any airport security without setting off all sorts of alarms!

    1. AI to the rescue. It is now programmed to recognized plates, pins and nails.

      Before that (say three years ago) your doctor would give you a card you presented to the TSA gropers to explain the PING-PING-PING!

  5. Badly broken! Its amazing they can put that back together! I'm glad they could. I have an assortment of screws, plates and pins in my left ankle and foot. 4 years later and I can still see fx lines. But have mostly full use of it, reasonably pain free.

  6. AI now recognizes prosthetics. No issues.

    Before that, doctors gave patients a card explaining why the machine went PING-PING-PING!!!

  7. OUCH! They left the bones at odd angles & pointy bits sticking out?! Though I guess maybe rooting around too much to put it *all* back totally straight might cause too much more damage?
