Monday 3 June 2024

Monday notes

Since I have been cleared to put weight on my legs they have been doubling up on my physiotherapy. I am in physio from one to three five days a week.

When they have me standing it is in a walker. I pull myself up and stand in the walker without help. I am good for about two minutes at a time. I am stationary. I can pick up either foot to reposition them, not well, but I can do it. I then sit down and repeat the process. The most I have done it is five times in a row. I have little strength in my knees and my thighs. I need that strength back to proceed further.

My knees do not bend at ninety degrees. I am getting closer. Not that long ago I could barely bend them. 

I woke up today feeling okay. Until I moved my legs. Then the pain hit. I took some painkillers and I am waiting for them to take effect while I sit here in pain. The pain is horrible. Unfortunately you have to get off your ass and try to attack the day. The only other choice is to give up.


  1. Giving up is never a choice. Choosing a different pain was a choice at times. My big recovery was damaged left knee.

  2. By the way that much physio means you are progressing well. Congratulations.

  3. I hope the day comes when you will have no more excruciating pain. May that day come soon. Keep up your good work, BW.

  4. Thoughts are with you my friend. You are progressing and that's something to celebrate. You need to look for those moments when the going gets tough.

  5. Keep at! The ROM will get better and the pain less in time. Thoughts are with you...
