Wednesday 12 June 2024

More progress

Not long after the accident I got a look at myself and I quietly cried. I had horrible bruises on my feet, a bruise under my eye, cuts in my scalp, fractured ribs, a fractured wrist, and shattered femurs held together by external fixators. I was a mess and I was awaiting a fourth operation to put my legs back together. 

Today in my physio session I did two attempts at walking in a straight line with the aid of a walker with a physiotherapist on either side. This was scary. I did eight feet on the first attempt. I did twenty feet on the second attempt. The two attempts wore me out. After the session I found a quiet spot in the hospital as I could feel tears welling in my eyes. It is so hard going from feeling completely broken to feeling like you might just make it back.


  1. Tears are more than allowed - whatever the cause might be. 20 feet is huge!!!

  2. Just so you know, others follow your blog ,including myself , without commenting… but still wish you speedy recovery

  3. Hang in there! I can't even imagine ....
    I hope you get a picture when you walk out of there.

  4. You WILL make it back! Hang in there and keep working hard at rehab. Your persistence will pay off. I thought of you today when I drove past your old stomping grounds of Airdrie and Leduc. Actually, I stopped in Leduc and had supper at Fox Burger. May you be home soon, enjoying burgers too.

  5. Hang in there! It’s completely normal to have these ups and downs and perfectly fine to need to process all the emotions. I’m still praying for you!

  6. You are doing rather well in my opinion. Just keep pushing it a little bit.

  7. Your determination is the difference!

  8. You're doing great! Good to read that progress is happening!

  9. Good progress - you more than doubled the results on the 2nd attempt.
    I'm sure you've heard this so often you are sick of it - there will be days you feel like you've had no progress or even reversed. Those are the days looking back at how far you've come, not looking how far is left to go, can give a mental lift.
