Wednesday 19 June 2024

Sunday 16 June 2024

My favourite old house

From one of my many trips.

Near Dollard, Saskatchewan.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Quick note

As per my last post I just started the process to get back walking.

My Wednesday results were posted in the last post. Thursday I could barely manage five feet in total. My left ankle was really bothering me and my left knee was weak. That day was a disappointment.

Friday, yesterday, I had time in physio for two attempts. Both were eighteen feet.

No physio on the weekend, it resumes Monday. For the weekend I am doing some homework, otherwise known as some exercises my therapist asked me to do, and being careful not to overdo it. 

Wednesday 12 June 2024

More progress

Not long after the accident I got a look at myself and I quietly cried. I had horrible bruises on my feet, a bruise under my eye, cuts in my scalp, fractured ribs, a fractured wrist, and shattered femurs held together by external fixators. I was a mess and I was awaiting a fourth operation to put my legs back together. 

Today in my physio session I did two attempts at walking in a straight line with the aid of a walker with a physiotherapist on either side. This was scary. I did eight feet on the first attempt. I did twenty feet on the second attempt. The two attempts wore me out. After the session I found a quiet spot in the hospital as I could feel tears welling in my eyes. It is so hard going from feeling completely broken to feeling like you might just make it back.

Monday 10 June 2024

Goodbye Jim

Progress is slow. I need  to strengthen my knees and thighs. I can manage standing for five minutes at a time. I will get better. June 26th will mark four months from the last operation on my legs. From what I have read on various internet sites typical femur healing time is four to six months. It can be longer. If my progress is slow I am also still healing at the same time.

I have made a few friends here. The problem is that connections you make here come with an expiration day. People get better and get discharged. 

I met Jim some weeks ago. He had his leg amputated months ago due to diabetes. There are some diabetics on the ward that have lost a leg, a couple have lost both. Jim and I have had some good conversations and some laughs. A few times we ditched the scheduled lunch meal and went to the basement cafeteria for bacon and eggs. I could tell Jim would be a good guy when he readily acknowledged that I had excellent ideas like hitting up the cafeteria or ordering pizza to be delivered. He helped keep me sane by being good company. Jim is being released in the next few days and I will damn well miss him. Hard to find an easygoing guy with a sense of humour here.

I have made a few acquaintances and seem them paroled, I mean released. I am here for the long haul and it hurts to see people leave before you. The ones I like, and the few I dislike, when I hear that they are getting discharged I make a point to wish them well and that I hope to succeed. I genuinely mean that.

Thursday 6 June 2024


There are lots of stories posted in various places in the hospital. You stop and read them and find yourself in awe of what some people have been through.

The text on the poster says: 

“A semi hauling two combines hit her vehicle. She was thrown six hundred feet and trapped for two hours. She did not want her accident to win.

Rehabilitation helped her regain independence, live on her own  and walk again.”

Monday 3 June 2024

Monday notes

Since I have been cleared to put weight on my legs they have been doubling up on my physiotherapy. I am in physio from one to three five days a week.

When they have me standing it is in a walker. I pull myself up and stand in the walker without help. I am good for about two minutes at a time. I am stationary. I can pick up either foot to reposition them, not well, but I can do it. I then sit down and repeat the process. The most I have done it is five times in a row. I have little strength in my knees and my thighs. I need that strength back to proceed further.

My knees do not bend at ninety degrees. I am getting closer. Not that long ago I could barely bend them. 

I woke up today feeling okay. Until I moved my legs. Then the pain hit. I took some painkillers and I am waiting for them to take effect while I sit here in pain. The pain is horrible. Unfortunately you have to get off your ass and try to attack the day. The only other choice is to give up.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Some good news

My auto insurance company formally declared the other driver to be at fault. As a result my deductible is being reimbursed so I have five hundred dollars coming my way. It only took them over three months to acknowledge what was obvious, the other party drove into me. That happened Friday afternoon.

Also on Friday I heard from my group health insurer. My claim for long term disability was approved. One less thing to be worried about, not that I was concerned. With the application there was a copy of the police report and doctor’s notes so there is no doubt about me being injured and disabled.