Monday 29 June 2020

Ghost town Saskatchewan

I drove a ridiculous distance to get to Froude, Saskatchewan (especially since I live in Leduc, Alberta and went there and back in three days with numerous stops along the way) to see this church. It was a slight disappointment when I got there. Froude is a ghost town with zero residents and I think it is now all on private land. I looked around for someone to ask to get permission to get closer however I was unable to find anyone. I took a few photos from a distance and this turned out to be the best one.


  1. This church has been on my list for a long time. The town has an interesting history.

  2. Hi Dale,
    The farmer adjacent to the highway (before you drive into the former townsite) owns the land where the buildings are at. We talked to him when we stopped in Jan. 2019 to give us permission to photograph. Some buildings are still owned by others (including the church).

  3. Oh the stories this one could tell! Worth the drive I think.

  4. Are the owners that touchy about looky lous as long as you don't damage/disturb anything?

    1. I do not step on property without permission. I have had people ask me what I was doing on prior occasions when stopping to take a photo because rural crime is a definite problem. I have handed out business cards since criminals are usually not in the habit of identifying themselves.
