Friday 29 March 2024

Addition by subtraction

I think you can tell if you are getting better by what gets removed. When I first got admitted I had external rods keeping my leg bones in place. I had an oxygen tube in my nose and a few tubes in my mouth. A cast on my arm for my wrist. At one point I had four separate IV lines, one of them was in my neck. My veins were at the point they needed ultrasound my arm to try to find a suitable vein.

Now I am free of any tubes or IV lines. My arm cast may come off soon. It feels damn good not to have any IV lines to constantly watch whenever you move your arm. Progress. 


  1. Rehab and free movement! Root beer and wide swathes of yellow covered prairie await you!

  2. You need to mark your progress by the small milestones - so yay for no more tubes!

  3. Measurable progress like that is excellent!

  4. Very glad to hear you are on the mend. All the best. Your blog has been a great resource when looking for information about various ghost towns and old structures in Alberta.
