Sunday 18 June 2023

Some weekends involve exploration and adventure

Other weekends it rains all weekend and you spend your time weeding out files and housecleaning.

Saturday I visited mom and did a few errands for her. It rained. Rain is good. Alberta has been hit with numerous wildfires. With luck the rain will kill them all.

Sunday I woke up, checked the forecast for anywhere I might have wanted to go and there was going to be rain everywhere. So I stayed home, downsized some stuff, went through some files, and set aside stuff to be shredded.

Some days you just have to take the time to deal with menial tasks.


  1. Reminds me of the itsy bitsy spider rhyme a bit. I hope you get some time in the sun.

  2. Yes, so cold and rainy this weekend. I was going to go to Calgary but stayed home instead.

  3. Sometimes we are sent rainy days so we can get some chores done. Glad you made use of yours (and hopefully the rain did some good).
