Friday 26 July 2024

No! Not the pylons!!

Get off the wheelchair, take the walker around the cones, turn around, sit in the chair, get off the chair, through the cones, turn around and sit in the wheelchair.

I managed to do it three times.


  1. Next year you'll look back at this post and remember how far you've made it!

  2. Oh, they've upgraded you to some fancy footwork now! Way to go!

  3. That's Awesome! Your getting there! My first real sx to put a displaced broken ankle back together it took 6 months to feel fairly recovered. Of course, I was early in my 30's and it was one limb so I could lean heavily on the other so no comparison there but before that 6m time I was wondering just how long I would be before some kind of "normal" returned. That was 30 years ago...

  4. Congrats! While my condition wasn't anywhere near as dire, it is nice to see we are both progressing.
    BTW: I never could do the pylon thing, unless I was playing defense and they needed someone to go around.

  5. Gives a whole new meaning to obstacle course doesn't it. Just think, a month ago you couldn't have managed it at all.
