Saturday, 1 March 2025

That was scary

Last Thursday I was out at physio and while I was there I received an email that the elevator was out. I live on the second floor. After physio I needed to do something because I could not go home until I knew it was fixed, using the stairs might be insurmountable. So I went to a local watering hole, sat in the lounge, and had a late lunch. After some time I got an email that the elevator was back in service. I was concerned I might have had to get a hotel for the night if the elevator was not fixed. I could probably make it up two flights of stairs to get to my home but it would be a hell of a struggle.

Today being Saturday I thought I need to try the stairs. I did it months ago in rehab up five stairs. I have not done it since. 

I walked with crutches to the stairwell. Up eight stairs, hit the landing, up the next eight to the next floor. Easier than I thought. I took the elevator back to my floor. I need to try going down some stairs next. I am a little too nervous to try that right now. 


  1. Yay for you! Stairs with crutches doing either direction would scare the daylights outta me.

  2. I hope when you practise going down the stairs, you'll have a friend there with you just in case things take a turn.

  3. Forward! One step at a time ...

  4. I have a couple of problems that've required a walker for the past several years.
    going up stairs using the bannister to haul myself up is no problem; if I fall I fall forward up the stairs: going down, on the other hand, if I fall forward, I can fall as far as the next landing
    When I have to go down the stairs (elevator out), I sit down and bump my way down, uncomfortable: yes! but far more comfortable than finding myself looking face down at the landing

  5. Courageous of you to confront your fears and to check out your mobility on the stairs before you absolutely have to.

    The email was a piece of information. You could have ignored it or you could have seen it as a signpost. You chose to take it as information and did something positive. You weren't foolhardy about it, but you checked it out.

    Great job!!!
