Thursday, 6 February 2025

2:30am thoughts

Cannot sleep. I want to though.

Hurt my left shoulder a week ago. Walking with crutches is hard and I aggravated it. It has bothered me to some degree since the accident. Legs and knees started hurting again. I gave up.

I put physiotherapy on hold for a week. I did not do much. It has been cold outside and I did not feel like doing much. It has all been a bit depressing. 

Today I got off my ass and did some walking in the hall with the crutches. My left leg still fights me when I walk. I have little sensation in the outer left thigh from nerve damage. The muscle is always tight. I walked and took breaks in between and set a new distance record. Keep walking. It is the only way I am going to get anywhere. 


  1. I pooped the bed too, BW. Gawd I’d love to be able to actually sleep at night. 😡

    I’ve got the friggin gout in my foot so bad I can barely walk on it.

    Wanna race…?


  2. They say not to put the weight on the crutches from the armpit only through the hands. I'm up too after back surgery.

    1. I do not put any weight from my armpits. I just tweaked the shoulder somehow.

  3. Even champions take breaks from training.

  4. Sorry to hear you've been having a rough time. And you're right, this terrible cold weather does not help either. Hopefully it will moderate soon.

  5. You don't have to be broken up and recovering from a crash to wake up at 2:30. That's just part of life.

    Don't quit your therapy and keep walking. Pilots who were broken up as much or more than you were from high speed ejections, wanted to return to flying status. They kept their goal in sight and didn't quit. Their efforts paid off and they were able to fly again.


  6. One step at a time, one day at a time... Hang in there!

  7. I'm so sorry about the not being able to sleep. I know all too well what that's like (only mine is obviously for different reasons). Sometimes you just need to take a break and it's well-deserved after all you've been through.

  8. Dave here... Keep going, ease up when you need to, not when you want to.. Remember the past victories (especially pedaling the stationary bike)!! Hope this encourages you. Go well.

  9. I am glad you can still type. Looking forward to the walking video one day!
