Monday 2 September 2024

More about me

I have not done anything this long weekend. I have been very tired, rundown, exhausted. I got a lot of sleep. I am not sick, no symptoms of anything so far.

I do need a walker to get around. I can take my hands off the walker and stand unsupported. I cannot take any steps without support. Interestingly enough I can stand beside a table with a cane and walk with a cane in one hand and support myself with my hand on the table with the other hand.

I think in about a month I think I will have enough strength in both legs to try walking with canes. If I can accomplish this currently it is not that much of a stretch to try using two canes to walk in the near future.

I have a follow up with my surgeon September 11 and a likely discharge date of September 12. I will be a few days shy of being six months in the hospital. I will be going home with a two-wheel walker, a four-wheel walker, and a wheelchair. I hope to only need the wheelchair for a few months.

I had a short practice with a few activities here. I can get on and off a toilet (with support arms) myself. I can get in and out of a bathtub using a bath bench. I can get in and out of a Dodge minivan that the hospital owns. The hospital has a various rooms set up to help you navigate things to prepare you for when you go home.

I look forward to getting home where a new set of challenges await me.


  1. After a life of treating myself like I was indestructible, I get it. All I can do is offer the encouragement to
    Keep Swinging, Dude!

  2. Well done! That takes a lot of grit to come as far as you have.

  3. Do you have a "grabber" for picking socks and such-like off the floor?

  4. Have you lost weight BW?

  5. Exciting! You'll be so glad to get home again! Keep us posted!

  6. Yeah! It will be great to get home! A whole new set of challenges but you will adapt and make it work!

  7. No leg braces - sweet!! I assume there's some organization (perhaps the rehab hospital) that will see that you have all the aids you need at home to make it easier.

  8. This is all really good news! On the road again next summer!

  9. A well-deserved weekend of rest and recovery. I hope the 12th discharge holds up!
    Do they send someone to check out your house for things that might be a problem? Like super narrow doors or paths through a room, bathroom with no supports, things that need moved so you can make yourself something to eat, etc?

  10. Hang in there, we're all rooting for you.

  11. Everybody gets the 'blues'. You've got more reason than most. But progress is happening, even painfully and slowly. I found your website via Glen Filthie and enjoyed your pics and descriptions of your rambles. Keep your chin + faith up. Blessings,
    Miss Minnie

  12. Good luck and be very careful out there. There were a couple of times I was sure I'd rebroken my leg when I fell down some stairs.

  13. I did not know that you had been in an accident. Went back and read through your posts. Glad to see you are making head way and healing in body & mind. Hang in there. Prayers up!
