Wednesday 11 September 2024

February 16, 2024 - September 11, 2024

If you want a happy ending create your own.

Home. I am home for the first time since the morning of February 16. Quite the rude interruption to my life. I am going to dwell on the positives and there are many.

I will have to continue to pick up the pieces and put my life back together somehow. It will not be the same. Somehow I will endeavour for it to be better. 

For now I am going to take a moment and have a glass of wine or three. 

Friday 6 September 2024

Monday 2 September 2024

More about me

I have not done anything this long weekend. I have been very tired, rundown, exhausted. I got a lot of sleep. I am not sick, no symptoms of anything so far.

I do need a walker to get around. I can take my hands off the walker and stand unsupported. I cannot take any steps without support. Interestingly enough I can stand beside a table with a cane and walk with a cane in one hand and support myself with my hand on the table with the other hand.

I think in about a month I think I will have enough strength in both legs to try walking with canes. If I can accomplish this currently it is not that much of a stretch to try using two canes to walk in the near future.

I have a follow up with my surgeon September 11 and a likely discharge date of September 12. I will be a few days shy of being six months in the hospital. I will be going home with a two-wheel walker, a four-wheel walker, and a wheelchair. I hope to only need the wheelchair for a few months.

I had a short practice with a few activities here. I can get on and off a toilet (with support arms) myself. I can get in and out of a bathtub using a bath bench. I can get in and out of a Dodge minivan that the hospital owns. The hospital has a various rooms set up to help you navigate things to prepare you for when you go home.

I look forward to getting home where a new set of challenges await me.