Saturday 31 August 2024

A Look at an Old New Look


This bus has made its last stop.

Welcome to Bladworth, Saskatchewan, on the road between Regina and Saskatoon.

Clad in Regina Transit colours, this GM New Look bus (a T6H-5307N?) sits in a field near the highway.

Who knows why this bus was placed here? It's one of those things you stumble across in the prairies.

Steve Boyko

Friday 30 August 2024

Cue Rocky music

In the physio room (actually there are several here) there is a set of four stairs for those like me that are learning to walk again. I have to use both handrails for stability to get up. I have to lead with my stronger right leg to do it but I can do it. I went up and down four times in one session without a mishap.

Elevator Friday - Munson, Alberta

Thank you to Dale Redekopp.

Monday 26 August 2024



This little building doesn't have much time left. Battered by prairie winds, one day it will give up the ghost and finish its slide into oblivion.

Near Bethune, Saskatchewan.

Steve Boyko

Sunday 25 August 2024

Friday 23 August 2024

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Tuesday 20 August 2024

This blog used to feature bales

Sometimes it still does.

Thank to Debra from:

Thursday 15 August 2024

Random thoughts

I have not posted much recently.

August 16 marks the six month anniversary of the event that placed me in the hospital.

Life has been a bit of a struggle lately. There have been some pain-filled days. There are days when it is damn hard trying to get bone, flesh, and the metal holding me together to cooperate. Some days when I am trying to walk I get horrible stabbing pain in my thigh muscles and I cannot continue.

What walking I am doing is with the aid of a two-wheeled walker or a four-wheeled walker. I can stop, take my hands off the walker, and stand in place with no problems. My balance is good. I cannot walk without my arms supporting me using a walker or some other surface. Yet.

Right now both my legs are wrapped from my ankle to just below my knee in compression bandages to combat the constant swelling in my feet. I have put up with this for a day so far. It seems to be working.

Monday 12 August 2024

Craik, Saskatchewan

The town of Craik, Saskatchewan has a surprisingly large collection of interesting buildings. From the large brick town hall, built in 1913, to its recently refurbished grain elevator, to a current and a former church, there's a lot to see.

This former church has been extensively modified. I was told by a passerby that it's owned by a local artist. She spoke quite highly of the work put into it.

The next building appears to still be in use as a church.

I do not recommend that you stay at this motel. It gives "Bates Motel" vibes all around . . .

Steve Boyko

Friday 9 August 2024

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Quick post

Not much to say.

With time the legs are a bit stronger. I am hoping to get more range in my knees. Using a four wheel walker is damn hard when you have injuries like mine.