Sunday 13 December 2015

The Sunday morning experience died long ago

I used to have a Sunday morning ritual. I would get up somewhat early and I would buy the weekend editions of the Globe and Mail, the National Post (both are national newspapers), and the local Sunday paper. I would then go to my local coffee place, usually Tim Horton's, get the largest coffee they had with a doughnut or two. Then I would work my way through all of the papers. The two national papers gave me different perspectives on national events and the local paper filled me in on other stuff. Just me alone with my thoughts. Once I was done I would usually see if there were any seniors and ask if they wanted the papers when I was done. If not I left them on the table for whoever else might want them.

This kind of reminds me of a true story I once read about two friends in Scotland that had known each other for years. Their ritual was one of them would go visit the other and they would go into the library. They would read for a couple of hours and not talk to each other. At the end of the visit one would thank the other for having him over and that he had a great time.

I have not done this for years. The internet has not killed newspapers yet. It definitely has ruined the experience. I wake up, I reach for my Ipad, and I have instant access to the news. Newspapers have got thinner, less interesting, and overpriced. I no longer have the incentive to go out and buy a paper. I no longer have the incentive to go and grab a coffee either, coffee places ceased being coffee places. They are now about the experience or selling you a meal. Now if I want a coffee I usually grab it while I am on my way to something else. There used to be an art to relaxing on a Sunday morning.

Years ago when I did this I got an inquiry from my then father-in-law asking what I did on Sunday mornings. I told him. I could tell he was angling for attention and an invite. I think he must have thought I was sneaking off and indulging in secret adventures known only to myself. So I told him that if he wanted to join me he was welcome however I just drank coffee, did not talk to people, and silently read my papers. That was my ritual.

One morning he showed up. The entire time I did what I usually did. A few days later I heard from someone that he was offended that I ignored him. I was unsympathetic. If you are invited to something and someone tells you what to expect then do not complain if it is not to your liking. Personally I thought it was a perfectly acceptable guy activity. He never bothered to join me again and I spent many more Sundays reading the news my way. Some people just do not respect the ritual.

1 comment:

  1. I no longer bother with papers at all. They don't even pretend to be objective and you get far more intelligent opinions from the blogs. I wouldn't wipe my butt with the Glob & Wail.

    My ritual is to read your blog for the travel and pictures, Kate's for politics, and Chicken Feathers because as a kid I grew up on a hobby farm much like theirs.
